Are you looking for a part-time job in the UK as a foreigner or native, it might take time for you to get a full-time job which is why am writing this article to help you sign up as a part-time worker and it has better pay and is convenient for you
Apart from the financial benefits you get, part-time work will provide you with a great opportunity to meet new people, learn new skills, and learn more about UK work culture, among others. here’s a guide to part-time jobs for both foreigners and natives
The positive news about part-time jobs is that they are flexible part-time jobs in the UK nowadays. The part-time jobs are jobs probably done on contract or during weekdays or running shift jobs
Hopefully getting a job nowadays is not as hard as it used to be, not like before when you had to go through the newspaper and circle the ones you like and then start looking for the company to apply to, but then it is made easy by going through website and apps you get a job without leaving the comfort of your home.
The websites where you can find a part-time job that is easy to access
Tempo: Tempo is a website that deals with flexible part-time jobs and full-time jobs, Tempo is a fitness platform, that combines equipment, training guidance, and social motivation.
Recognizing the difficulty that comes with former job searches, Tempo launched in 2017 to create a platform that makes the job-hunting process faster and easier for both employees and employers.
People who are interested in a career in customer service, sales, marketing, or operations can obtain a part-time job via Tempo. Through the website, people will be suggested startup jobs that match their experience, skills, preferences, and availability. the jobs available under tempo are;
- UI/UX Designer
- email producer/life circle marketing
- Product Manager
- principal product manager
UI/UX Designer: A UI designer can be defined as a person who works on individual pages, buttons, and interactions, making sure they are polished and functional. UX designers take a view of a product or service, ensuring the collective user flow of a site, service, or app is fully realized and consistent
email producer/life circle marketing: An Email Producer can be defined as a person who plays a crucial role in translating creative designs and transforming them into fully functional and visually appealing email templates within the marketing automation platforms.
Product Manager: A product manager can be defined as a person who knows a customer’s need and the larger business objectives that a product or feature will have, articulates what success looks like for a product, and the team turns that vision into a reality.
principal product manager: a person who works at the intersection of product, marketing, engineering, design, and content to help our customers form fitness habits and set people on a path to achieve their goals.
Tempo job benefits
- comprehensive health benefit
- Health-related perks
- unlimited PTO
- competitive compensation
- Hybrid office environment
- positive impact
GIG: GIG Having been around since 2014, GIG is an organization that helps workers find flexible part-time jobs in the UK. This has gained them recognition as the most prominent app in the UK for finding flexible shift work. Gig workers have many offers for people, They can either work as independent contractors, contract workers, short-term workers, or temporary workers. This allows people to work with more than one company and explore their interests while developing skills and knowledge. these are the list of jobs that gig offers
- Postmates
- Babysitting
- Writing
- Proofreader
- Delivery driver
- Developer
- Handyman
- Pet sitting
- Tour guide
- Delivery
- Web content writer
- Customer service representative
Post Mate: Postmates is an app delivery service that connects customers with buyers for the delivery of anything from restaurants or stores within minutes.
Babysitter: A babysitter is a person who looks after children by preparing meals and snacks, attending to their needs, and getting them washed. Babysitters are people who supervise babies without the intervention of their parents and they get paid for that either hourly, daily, or yearly
Writing: A writer can be defined as a person who uses written words in different writing styles and techniques to communicate ideas. Writing is the use of systems to create persistent representations of human language, You can either work as a freelance writer or do other writing skills
Proofreading: Proofreaders are people in charge of checking documents to ensure images, tables, and charts are in the right form and are properly aligned. proofreaders earn about $1,000 per month
Delivery driver: can be defined as a person whose duties involve receiving an order, picking up the food, and delivering it to the customer’s location. They also deliver packages, food, or other items from businesses and deliver them to customers.
Developer: can be defined as a person who creates computer programs sometimes referred to as a software developer, a software engineer, a programmer, or a coder. If you can code then you can consider working as a developer. You can find work in web development, software development, or both.
Handyman: can be defined as a person who performs some basic maintenance duties for homeowners and businesses either by repairing their shops, company, or houses. They are also known as fixers, handypers or handy workers, maintenance workers, repair workers, or repair technicians.
Pet sitting: Pet sitting can be defined as a person in charge of taking care of another person’s pet for some time frame. It commonly occurs at the pet owner’s home, but may also occur at the provider’s home or at a pet-sitting place of business or organization. It is an excellent way to connect people with travelers who have pets.
Tour guide: A tour guide or a tourist guide is a person who is in charge of providing people with information on cultural, historical, and contemporary heritage to people on organized sightseeing and individual clients at educational
Delivery: Delivery can be defined as a process of moving goods from a source location to their final destination. The gig economy has made it easy to get things without leaving the comfort of your home just by using your app
Web content writer: A web content writer can be defined as a person who majors in providing relevant content for websites. it is a sub-specialty of copywriting. Every website has a specific target audience and requires the most relevant content to attract business. You can work as a content writer, companies may engage you to write articles such as blogs, website content, or descriptions of their product and services.
Customer service representative: can be defined as a person who is in charge of handling customer complaints, processing orders, and providing information about an organization’s products and services. Their Average hourly rate: is $17.75. If you have a reliable internet connection and a decent headset.
Benefits of being a gig worker
- Ability to Pursue a passion
- Independence
- Flexibility
- Extra Income.
- Ability to multi-task
Table of Contents
Salary for Part-Time Jobs in UK
The average part-time work salary in the United Kingdom is £27,040 per year or £13.87 per hour. Entry-level positions start at £22,463 per year while most experienced workers make up to £48,458 per year.
How To Apply For Part-Time Jobs in London
The list below states the steps to apply for Part-Time Jobs in London:
- When directed to the official website, search for a job at the application link below.
- You can use the search box, divided into various categories, to filter the job of your interest.
- Review the job advertisement and role description.
- Make sure you meet all the requirements before proceeding
- Select the ‘Apply Online button.
- Complete and submit your application.
- Check that you’ve received an email confirming your application.
“Apply Now”
CONCLUSION on Apps for Part-time Jobs in UK 2025/2026
The article above gives information about jobs available in the UK for people or candidates who are willing to apply. It contains all the necessary information needed to get the job, After your search, applying, and getting recruited, I wish you a good day at work. After your search, applying, and getting recruited, you can enjoy a rich and rewarding extra dimension to your life and work to gain a beautiful experience.
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