GCSE Exam |Questions |TimeTable 2025/2026

The GCSE is a crucial requirement for students to get into universities and colleges of technical and further education in the United Kingdom, nationally, and internationally.

I encourage all students who will participate in the GSCE exam to have a good look at the details below and be updated on every upcoming subject for the exam.

What Is the GCSE Exam?

The GCSE ( General Certificate of Secondary Education) exam is mainly an exam that high school students write. It is an exam written by students in the United Kingdom except for students in Scotland.

The GCSE is an academic qualification in a particular subject taken in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland. State schools in Scotland use the schottish Qualifications Certificate instead. Private schools in Scotland may choose to use an alternative qualification.

The General Certificate of Education (GCE) is a subject-specific family of academic qualifications used in awarding bodies in England, Wales, Northern Ireland, Crown dependencies, and a few Commonwealth countries. Essentially, the prime function of GCSEs is to;

  • Demonstrate achievement across a range of subjects
  • Indicate whether the students have sufficient understanding for further study in an issue, particularly at age sixteen to eighteen, in subjects such as English and Mathematics.

GCSE Exam Questions

GCSE Exam questions sometimes might seem a little complicated, which is normal! If you study, you’d at least have a chance to answer the questions. When taking GSCEs, there is a vast mixture of subjects, skills, and knowledge.

Students usually balance enough time to be able to do everything they used to do on a day-to-day basis, including revision. And this can be highly challenging to manage. The following are some examples of the GCSE Exam Questions:

Question 1: History Which of the following was the more important reason white Americans travelled across the Great Plains in the 1840s and 1850s: religion or economic opportunity? Candidates are asked to explain their answer concerning both reasons and are expected to answer the question in about 15 minutes. [Source: AQA, GCSE history specimen paper 1A/A: America, 1840–1895: expansion and consolidation]

Question 2: Religious studies “The Eucharist is the only sacrament Catholic Christians need.” Evaluate this statement. Candidates are told to refer to Catholic teaching, give reasoned arguments to support this statement, give reasoned arguments to support a different point of view, and reach a justified conclusion. They are expected to spend about 25 minutes answering it. [Source: AQA, GCSE religious studies specimen paper 1: Catholic Christianity]

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Question 3: Business studies The manager of Sheds-U-Like Ltd wants to increase the motivation of workers. She is considering a slight increase in financial rewards or giving the workers more. The question is worth 15% of the marks available on the paper, suggesting pupils should spend about nine minutes answering it. [Source: AQA, 2017 GCSE business studies unit 1: setting up a business]

Question 4: Drama You are performing the role of Titania in A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare. Describe how you would use your acting skills to interpret Titania’s character in the extract below and explain why your ideas are appropriate both for this extract and the play as a whole.


The list of currently available GSCE subjects is much briefer than before the reforms, as the new qualifications in England all have core requirements set by the regulator, Ofqual, for each subject.

In addition, there are several subjects where only one board offers qualifications, including some that are only available in one country of the UK for that reason. The following lists are sourced from the exam board websites.


  • English Language and English Literature

Mathematics Science

  • Biology, Chemistry, and Physics; or Combined Science.

Languages: one GCSE in a modern or ancient language

  • Modern languages: Arabic, Bengali, Chinese (Cantonese), Chinese (Mandarin), French, German, Modern Greek, Gujarati, Modern Hebrew, Irish (only in Northern Ireland), Italian, Japanese, Panjabi, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, Urdu, Welsh (only in Wales)
  • Ancient languages: Classical Greek, Biblical Hebrew, Latin


  • History or Geography (or both)

Other Subjects

Sciences and Mathematics:

  • Astronomy
  • GeologyPsychology
  • Statistics
  • Sociology

Humanities and Social Sciences:

  • Ancient History
  • Citizenship Studies
  • Classical Civilisation
  • Religious Studies

Business and Enterprise:

  • Business Studies
  • Economics

Design and Technology:

  • Design and Technology
  • Electronics
  • Engineering
  • Food Preparation and Nutrition


  • Art and Design
  • Dance
  • Drama
  • Film Studies
  • Media Studies
  • Music
  • Photography
  • Graphics


  • Physical Education

Northern Ireland (CCEA) only:

  • Agriculture and Land Use
  • Business and Communication Systems
  • Child Development
  • Construction and the Built Environment
  • Contemporary Crafts
  • Digital Technology
  • Further Mathematics
  • Government and Politics
  • Health and Social Care
  • Home Economics
  • Hospitality
  • Irish
    • Irish
    • Gaeilge
  • Journalism in the Media and Communications Industry
  • Learning for Life and Work
  • Leisure, Travel, and Tourism
  • Motor Vehicle and Road User Studies
  • Moving Image Arts
  • Short Course Religious Studies
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Wales (WJEC/CBAC) only:

  • Information and Communication Technology
  • Welsh (compulsory in Welsh schools):
  • Welsh Language (first language)
  • Welsh Literature (first language)
  • Welsh Second Language

GSCE Time Table

The GSCE for this year was over by June. The next exam will be taking place next year 2025/2026 ).

Assessments for GCSEs and A-level in England are to return to pre-pandemic rules next year, the exams watchdog has announced.

The following year’s GCSE timetable information is below: Students sitting in GCSE English, history, ancient history, and geography will not be given a choice of topics and content to tackle in 2025/2026.

But the DfE has confirmed, “the return to full subject content coverage for those GCSE subjects” for 2025/2026. There were also adjustments made to practical and fieldwork requirements in subjects such as science owing to public health measures that were in force.

But for this, while you can get the current timetable for different zones for the GCSE exam by clicking Here.

What Are the Requirements For Book My Place?

You must have all the right information to hand to make sure you can get your exam place booked with ease.

It is required for you to have the right exam code for the papers you want to sit; it may be referred to as a syllabus, specification, entry or course code. If confused about exactly the code or can’t find it, you can contact your course provider. 

Required Documents 

The exams officer at the centre will also need some of your documents before allowing you into the exam hall, and they are as follows:

  • Your full name and date of birth (these will need to be verified with ID)
  • Your address and contact details
  • Your Unique Candidate Identifier (UCI)

Your UCI/Identification Number can be found on your previous qualifications if you’ve sat UK exams before but don’t worry if you haven’t, you’ll be allocated one by the exam board.

You are usually required to make your payment when you book your place. You should be aware that as the exam centre will have incurred costs to enter you into the exam, you may not receive a full refund should you decide to withdraw at a later date.

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What Do I Need To Take To The Exam?

The exams officer is responsible for giving you details of where to go on the day of the exam, and it is mostly advised to arrive about half an hour early just in case you run into any problems locating the room/hall.

There are restrictions on what one can and can’t take into the exam room, so here’s a refresher if it’s been a while since you last sat an exam.

DO take:

  • Your photo ID
  • Your Statement of Entry (this is not essential but might be helpful)
  • A clear pencil case or bag
  • Black pens
  • A bottle of water
  • A calculator unless the exam paper specifies otherwise
  • Math equipment such as a pair of compasses, a ruler, a protractor etc. if required

DON’T take:

  • Your mobile phone
  • A smartwatch
  • A Wi-Fi-enabled calculator
  • Any pieces of paper even if they are blank (except for Maths exams, where you’re allowed a small piece of tracing paper)

If caught with a mobile phone during an exam, even if turned off, then you are likely to be disqualified from that exam. it is always advised to leave your phone at home or leave it for safekeeping with the invigilator.

Conclusion On The GCSE Exam

The GCSE Exam is of great importance to every student to study at their preferred colleges. As mentioned above, the GCSE Exam requires you to be fully prepared before the examination.

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