Oklahoma Department Of Agriculture Jobs 2025/2026 Apply Now!

Agricultural jobs are the most critical jobs in the world; not only do they produce food and livestock for people, but they also produce raw materials used in clothing and many other things.

But still, after all the realization of its importance, people don’t reverence it as one of the best jobs in the world. Instead, it is one of the most underrated jobs in the world.

An agricultural job/position can be as low as a labourer and as high as a manager/coordinator, biologist, or Nutritionist. This means there are both skilled and unskilled positions in Agricultural Jobs.

Are you thinking about securing an Agricultural job? As a Famer/specialist, there are benefits apart from salaries that would make up for the pay. But some are unsure about employment or are not optimistic because the pay might seem low.

Well, suppose you are interested in securing an Agricultural job; this post is for you. In this post, i will address the critical aspects of Agricultural jobs by detailing the different examples of available Agricultural jobs in Oklahoma, the Required Qualifications of Agricultural jobs, the average salary, and how to apply.

Candidates should ensure they are qualified for this job before applying, so you won’t have issues getting your desired job.

Explore Agricultural jobs in Oklahoma, read through this post, find a suitable Agricultural job in Oklahoma just for you, and don’t hesitate to send your application form to be retailed for the job.

Job Description

Oklahoma’s impressive agricultural impact spreads far beyond the state line. Ranking fourth in the nation in the number of farms, the Sooner State’s 78,000 farms cover 34.2 million acres of land, with the average farm sizing at 438.

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Oklahoma crops have historically included corn, cotton, winter wheat, wheat hay, oats, milo maize, soybeans, sorghum, broomcorn, peanuts, sweet potatoes, alfalfa, cowpeas, and wild hay. Agriculture, which uses 76 per cent of the state’s land area, is a steward of Oklahoma’s natural resources.

It enhances the quality of life of its residents and provides stable supplies of food that are affordable and safe to its citizens, the U.S., and the world. Farm products include poultry, cheese, milk, eggs, butter, and fruits and vegetables.

Available Agricultural Jobs In Oklahoma

The following are some of the available Agricultural jobs in Oklahoma:

  • Farm Hand/Labourer
  • Administrative Specialist
  • Lab Coordinator
  • Extension Associate

Farm hand: A farm hand is responsible for helping a farmer with crops, maintenance, and farm animals, such as cattle, goats, poultry, and fish. Duties can vary, but the everyday duties are feeding and watering animals, cleaning facilities, planting and spraying crops, and harvesting.

Administrative Specialist: An administrative specialist work under the general supervision of a supervisor, communicates policies or procedures to staff, and has input into planning and policy development. Work requires considerable analytical skill and the ability to plan and coordinate tasks to completion.

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Lab Coordinator:  A lab coordinator is a professional who is responsible for managing the operations of a science laboratory; their principal/primary responsibilities include coordinating lab use, acquiring new materials, maintaining equipment, and; all safety rules and regulations are met.

Extension Association: Under the general supervision of faculty or senior extension associates, extension associates are responsible for planning and implementing educational extension programs.

Some other Agricultural jobs/positions include;

  • Agricultural Economist.
  • Agricultural Engineer.
  • Agronomist.
  • Animal Nutritionist.
  • Animal Physiologist.
  • Aquaculturist.
  • Biochemist.
  • Biometrician.
  • Member Service Representative
  • Spray Technician
  • Digital Communication Specialist
  • Lab Technologist
  • Production Supervisor
  • Equipment Operator
  • Driver(Truck Driver)

Required Qualification

The following are some of the required qualifications for an agricultural job: Qualifications vary depending on the position, like farm manager, agricultural sales representative, biologist, etc. These positions in agriculture jobs require one to possess a bachelor’s degree. Therefore, the following are the essential required qualification for an Agriculture/farm job:

  • Experience in the farming industry.
  • Knowledge of farming best/efficient practices.
  • Able to work long hours on location.
  • Good communication skills.
  • Physically fit.
  • Good hand-eye coordination.
  • Organizational Skills

Oklahoma Department Of Agriculture Jobs Salary

The average salary for Agricultural Jobs in Oklahoma is approximately $42,132 per year.

How To Apply For Oklahoma Department Of Agriculture Jobs

The list below states the steps to apply for Oklahoma Department Of Agriculture Jobs:

  • When directed to the official website, search for a job at the application link below.
  • You can use the search box, divided into various categories, to filter the job of your interest.
  • Review the job advertisement and role description.
  • Make sure you meet all the requirements before proceeding
  • Select the ‘Apply Online button.
  • Complete and submit your application.
  • Check that you’ve received an email confirming your application.
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“Apply Now”

Conclusion On The Oklahoma Department Of Agriculture Jobs

In conclusion, Based on the update on the Oklahoma Department Of Agriculture Jobs, it is evident that there are agricultural jobs in Oklahoma. Also, one knows the different agricultural Jobs In Oklahoma, the average salary, and how to apply for the Jobs.
Click on the “Apply Now” to secure a chance to work an agricultural job in Oklahoma.
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