Online Part-time jobs in Japan are numerous, so you won’t have trouble getting one, and to be straightforward, most online jobs are not full-time.
Online part-time jobs are really useful to Japanese and international students who wish to make side money.
Whatever your reason for getting an online part-time job in Japan, this post will be a great guide to securing one of your choices.
Table of Contents
Job Description
Online jobs are becoming increasingly available as technology and internet connections improve. If you have the skills employers are looking for and the necessary qualifications, finding an online job in Japan would be easy.
Online jobs can come as remote jobs that you can do at home for some specified period if you wish to secure a part-time type of employment.
Online part-time jobs allow you to integrate several activities into your life while making money and the nice part of it is that the pay is also attractive.
Types Of Online Part-Time Jobs In Japan
- Virtual Children’s Tutoring with CareFinder
- Online English Teacher: Teaching Adults
- Online English Teacher: Teaching Children
- Freelancing: Graphic design/Digital marketing/Programming/Video & Animation Jobs
- Translator (Japanese)
- Stock Photography
- Freelance Writer
- Online Tour Guide
- Online Marketplace
- Online Surveys
- Programming
- Virtual Assistant
Latest Available Online Part-Time Jobs In Japan
One Coin English – Online (Teach in the comfort of your home) One of the missions of the company is to increase the number of bilingual people in Japan.
To help them achieve this mission, they accept both Japanese and foreigners to join them.
One Coin English understands that to make a job enjoyable; the workplace needs to be welcoming and supportive. School managers, staff, and fellow teachers help make OCE the place you want to return to after every shift.
The Japanese Staff have a good amount of English ability and can bridge any misunderstandings or issues between you and your student.
The teacher managers are there to support your growth as a teacher and give advice when needed. Textbooks are lent to teachers for teaching lessons.
You don’t have to worry if you have no experience teaching adults; training will be provided. For the people that teach with them, they provide 12 hours of training to help you get started.
The support doesn’t stop there, though. You can be sure to get up and running fast through feedback, manuals, and guides.
You can teach in different schools across Tokyo, and they are outlined below;
- Kanagawa – Yokohama
- Tokyo – Sangenjaya
- Tokyo – Ueno
- Tokyo – Ginza
- Tokyo – Gotanda
- Tokyo – Iidabashi
- Tokyo – Ikebukuro
- Tokyo – Kichijoji
- Tokyo – Shibuya
- Tokyo – Shinjuku
Job Details
- Work from the comfort of your home
- Semi flexible schedule
- No worrying about things like commute time
- Low commitment hours per week
- Easy to use textbooks
Visa Scheduling Requirements
- You need to be living in Japan
- You will need a valid working visa
- A commitment for at least six months (with at least seven months on your visa)
- Able to work a minimum of 15 hours a week (2 days minimum) with us.
Example 1: Monday 8 hours, Sunday 7 hours
Example 2: Monday 4 hours, Tuesday 4 hours, Saturday 8 hours
Computer Hardware Requirements
- A PC/Laptop capable of running zoom (with a functioning webcam)
- Zoom installed and updated
- Able to teach at home, without much noise distraction.
- Unlimited use of the internet
- (mobile routers are not accepted)
- Strong and stable internet
- Earphones or headsets with a microphone.
Salary: 1100-1550 yen per hour
Apply Now
Average Salary Of Online Part-Time Jobs In Japan
The average salary for an Online job in Japan is around 1550 yen per hour
Conclusion On Online Part-Time Jobs In Japan 2025/2026
You can see the above lists of Online Part Time Jobs In Japan in 2025/2026, with the additional benefits of your learning and working in a strategic environment.
Now’s your chance, with this selection of Online Part Time Jobs In Japan 2025/2026; you, therefore, have no limitation in taking them up to start your work.
The article above gives crucial information about the Online Part Time Jobs In Japan in 2025/2026 for you to start applying.
After your search, applying, and finally getting recruited, you can enjoy a rich and rewarding extra dimension to your life and work to gain a beautiful experience.
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